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The most common bucket list items are love, travel, adventure, expensive items such as a boat or a house, and exhilarating experiences such as skydiving, swimming with sharks, or bungee jumping in places like New Zealand.

Sick and frail people, on the other hand, are concerned about improving their quality of life without stressing.

This does not mean that a chronic illness precludes us from adventures, travel, or high-adrenaline experiences. There's no such thing as too much fun! 

Don't worry if you can't participate in some activities due to mobility or other physical limitations. There are plenty of other alternatives.  

But to cope with chronic diseases is vital to surround ourselves with the items that will make our lives easier and help us deal better with our condition.

I find having a smart home that is also stylish and cozy incredibly calming and beneficial when my health issues make my life chaotic.

Imagine coming home to your favorite scent.

The lights in your living room turn at just the right brightness when you walk in.

The pets have been fed through automatic feeders you control remotely.

In the kitchen, dinner started cooking hours before you arrived and is now ready.

All that’s left for you to do is relax. 

A home designed to meet your individual needs and give you the most comfortable living experience possible.

Moreover, a smart home offers more than mere comfort. Automated security systems protect the house from calamities and intruders as well. 

All these advantages are possible through a network of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which provide the technological foundation for intelligent homes.

Although each person is as unique as their bucket list, here I share some of my suggestions to get you started.

You can read more about my chosen tools for a smart home here.

But first, make sure you consider your current situation when deciding what to add to the list.

This means setting realistic goals while trying to achieve your dreams; having realistic goals will keep away the stress.

Stress and anxiety are silent killers.

In addition to wrecking your emotional well-being, chronic stress can wreak havoc on your physical health as well. When left unaddressed, prolonged exposure to sources of stress can lead to sickness and even death.

Another critical aspect of creating a bucket list is your financial situation. Again, keep it real; you do not want the stress.  

Ask family members for suggestions to add to your bucket list. You may share some wishes that you can do together as a family, which can be a lot of fun!

A bucket list isn't just about what you want to do, where you want to go, or what you want to buy.

I have already achieved many of the items on my bucket list. My travels have taken me around the world. I have lived in several countries and experienced several unique and fantastic cultures. I have scuba-dived, swam with sharks, surfed, hiked, etc..

As a result, I am able to focus more clearly on what I need today.

In the end, the most meaningful accomplishments on my list are raising healthy and happy daughters, loving and being loved, making meaningful friends, and enjoying my productivity.

Unfortunately, due to my condition and the continuous outbreak of viruses, I have no choice but to stay home to avoid potentially dangerous health risks. As a result, my bucket list priorities had to change.    

One thing I now know intimately is that time is fleeting. 

It is truly imperative to live life to the fullest.

The most significant thing for me today is making my home functional and cosy, along with finding tools that will make my life easier and more enjoyable. 

I hope my bucket list suggestions will help others like me achieve an easier life.
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