Every person has a list of things they would like to accomplish in their lifetime - a bucket list.

In this blog, I share some of my bucket list tools, recommendations, reviews, and setbacks, in the hopes that it will help others achieve a more comfortable and stress-free life.
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Although my bucket list is long, my plan is to complete it; that said, it will take time.

I must be creative, work on my environment, and research the tools that will help improve the quality of my life. 

My bucket list mission is to find the best tools for my needs and get the most out of what I already own and can make myself. 

Thoroughly evaluating everything to help cut through the clutter.

However, a low budget, fatigue, and mistakes that need to be corrected make reaching my goals even more challenging. Despite this, my determination to persevere continues.  

How do you define success?

Defining success is not that simple; there are many factors involved.

It is impossible to define success in one moment but rather by everything that leads up to effectively accomplishing a goal.
Want to know what success looks like to me?

Feeling refreshed when I wake up, going for more than a five-minute walk with my dog without pain, finding the perfect tool to open jars, seeing my flowers blossom, and trying a new recipe that turns out just as it should.

Keeping this train of thought in mind, you will see that it's not success that matters but overcoming challenges.

The big question is, how much are you up against?

Every day in which you commit one action that moves you closer to your goals, whatever they may be, should be considered a success.

Let's succeed together! 
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Welcome to VV's Bucket List